Covid-19 Sucks, Lets be Productive

As I'm sure all of you have heard by now the MLS season is on a 30-day suspension. While we are all disappointed that we can't be in the lot tailgating and in the Fort signing with you all, we have to agree with the league and say this is the best call. After all, we're no good to the team if we can't make it there.
With all that being said we at Rebel HQ are going to take the next 30 days to brainstorm how we can enhance the Fort, our tailgates, and our supporter’s experience. We’re asking of you to share your ideas with us: whether it is an idea for a tifo / two-pole / flag design/tailgate party theme/competition / etc., we want to hear about it. Take 5 minutes to fill the form out below!

In the meantime, stay safe, check on your fellow Rebels, and we look forward to seeing you in April. Go Revs!

-Mike Simeone

Rebellion President


Rebels For A Cause


Revs Tailgate! Party Time! Excellent!