New Family Members!

In 2022 we are going to continue to encourage our message of “Stronger Together”. We feel the best way to accomplish this is to lead by example. This year we have decided to have The Militia and Always Away Days teams join the Rebellion family. Acquiring these two groups is an important step forward in the unification of the Fort and the Revolution fan base. Details on the acquisitions are below.

The Militia will be focusing on the Home Event items that happen during a game. We have decided to split our Home Events committee into two different Committees to make this happen. This second Home Events committee will be on our HQ board and in turn Militia will be on our HQ team. Those in-game items they will be handling include flags/2 poles, chant generation, fort atmosphere enhancement projects, etc. Our other Home Event committee will focus on tailgating events before and after every match. We feel that dividing this committee into two areas will help our HQ members enhance the product we produce.

You will find more details on committees here.

Always Away Days is the other organization that will be joining the Rebellion Family this season. We wanted to focus more efforts on improving our atmosphere on the road. To do this we decided to team up with some fans who want to help our supporter culture but do not live in New England. An individual from Always Away Days will co-chair our Away Events committee as they will be in charge of this effort.

This new part of the family has two goals. This first goal is to bring Revolution supporters, who live outside New England, together. We have noticed a large void in collaborating with those fans who cannot attend our home games. Reaching out to them is the least we could do to help grow the community as a whole. The other goal would be to enhance the experience of traveling on the road to games. Where to stay, what to do, where to meet, etc. are just some items that will be organized in a brochure for all fans traveling with us. If you live out of the New England area and would like to get involved, please email us at

These enhancements to our family are only the beginning. This season is going to be an exciting year for us. We cannot wait to show everything have in store.

Go Revs


A New Partnership


2022 General Meeting