Welcome Back Tailgate

On July 25th we celebrated a “Welcome Back Tailgate”. With a majority of season ticket holders deferring to this point in the season, we felt it was a great time to celebrate alongside one another.

At the tailgate, we provided ANYONE who wanted some free food, drinks, and live music by @Diego_theDJ! Our team of cooks did a great job getting burgers, hot dogs, and a side to everyone who wanted it. While we celebrated, we remembered that over the course of the last year and a half, we have missed out on spending time together. To celebrate lost time, we had everyone decorate in a “missed holiday” theme. We saw Christmas, Halloween, July 4th, and more! This truly was a special moment where we still were able to celebrate each of these moments at once alongside one another.

None of this is possible without our Rebel Family Members. We will continue to give back to you and this team with all funds received. A special shout out to our Home Event Chairs and their E-Board Contact Kelsey for planning such an amazing event. A true team effort orchestrated by these HQ members. The event was a huge success and we appreciate everyone who stopped by!


Project Goal


Pride Month Fundraiser