Rebellion Bake-Off for Sierra Leone
photo credit as always to Joe Raviele
On August 14, 2017, massive flooding caused mudslides and devastation in the Sierra Leone capital of Freetown, leaving more than 400 people dead and hundreds more homeless.
Not long after, our Revs own Sierra Leone native, Kei Kamara, put out the call for people to help. He asked those who were able to donate to his Heart Shaped Hands Foundation to aid in the relief effort, even promising to match all donations.
It's no secret that Rebels love to eat, and our tailgates have become legendary for their hospitality and bountiful portions of food. Medieval kings are known to be envious. Since many of us have a penchant for desserts, we thought a bake-off to help Kei raise money was a perfect marriage of the two efforts.
Lots of planning and kitchen time went into this event, which featured more than 30 entries from Rebellion members. We featured everything from peanut butter lasagna and the infamous “bacon crack” to red velvet “Revs velvet” cinnamon rolls and sticky toffee cake with a fudge icing (made by Kei’s wife, Kristen!)
Kei was kind enough to donate an autographed, game worn jersey to the winner, along with a $50 Revolution Pro-Shop gift card. The judges for the event were those who graciously made a donation and got to partake in the entire spread.
Tallying the most votes was the French Toast Cupcakes with candied bacon made by the Amoroso family. Well done!
Before the onset of our self-induced sugar coma The Rebellion and traveling friends from 1642 MTL had raised $1,000. Coupled with Kei’s matching donation to bring it $2,000 for the rebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone.
We couldn’t have done all of this without the help of our fantastic Rebellion family, the amazing bakers who entered items, our incredible friends in 1642 MTL, and of course Kei and his family. From myself personally and on behalf of Rebel HQ we want to say thank you to everyone who took part in this event this is the kind of stuff that makes soccer supporting special.
- Matt P.
Miss out on the event and still want to help Kei raise money? Use the button below to donate